Journal Articles:

Asch, R. G., 2015: Climate change and decadal shifts in the phenology of larval fishes in the California Current ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, E4065-E4074.

Booth, A., 2015: Looking Ahead: Nutrients and Hypoxia. Urban Coast, 5, 190-193.

Checkley, D. M., 2015: Abstract from the Symposium Of The 2014 Calcofi Conference: Predicting The California Current System. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 56, 70-71.

Curchitser, E., J. Small, B. Kaufman, W. Large, and K. Hedstrom, 2015: Regional Climate Modeling In The California Current System. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 56, 76-77.

Davison, P., J. A. Koslow, and R. J. Kloser, 2015: Acoustic biomass estimation of mesopelagic fishes: backscattering from individuals, populations, and communities. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72, 1413-1424.

Dunne, J. P., C. A. Stock, and J. G. John, 2015: Representation Of Eastern Boundary Currents In GFDL’S Earth System Models. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 56, 72-75.

Edwards, C. A., A. M. Moore, J. P. Mattern, J. Fiechter, H. Song, and M. G. Jacox, 2015: Hindcasting And Nowcasting The Physical And Biological State Of The California Current System. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 80-82.

Hannesson, R., 2015: World Fisheries in Crisis? Marine Resource Economics, 30, 251-260.

Jacox, M. G. S., S. J. Bograd, E. L. Hazen, and J. Fiechter, 2015: Sensitivity of the California Current nutrient supply to wind, heat, and remote ocean forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 5950-5957.

Kahru, M., R. M. Kudela, C. R. Anderson, and B. G. Mitchell, 2015: Optimized merger of ocean chlorophyll algorithms. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12, 2282 - 2285.

Kahru, M., M. G. Jacox, Z. Lee, R. M. Kudela, M. Manzano-Sarabia, and B. G. Mitchell, 2015: Optimized multi-satellite merger of primary production estimates in the California Current using inherent optical properties. Journal of Marine Systems, 147, 94-102.

Kaplan, I. C., 2015: End-To-End Modeling To Predict Global Change Effects In The California Current Ecosystem. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 86-87.

Kim, S. Y., and B. D. Cornuelle, 2015: Coastal ocean climatology of temperature and salinity off the Southern California Bight: Seasonal variability, climate index correlation, and linear trend. Progress in Oceanography, 138, Part A, 136-157.

Koslow, J. A., E. F. Miller, and J. A. McGowan, 2015: Dramatic declines in coastal and oceanic fish communities off California. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 538, 221-227.

Lavaniegos, B. E., O. Molina-Gonzalez, and M. Murcia-Riano, 2015: Zooplankton functional groups from the California Current and climate variability during 1997-2013. Oceánides, 30, 45-62.

Leising, A. W., and Coauthors, 2015: State of the California Current 2014-15: Impacts of the Warm-Water “Blob”. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 56, 31-69.

Li, Z., J. C. McWilliams, K. Ide, and J. D. Farrara, 2015: Coastal ocean data assimilation using a multi-scale three-dimensional variational scheme. Ocean Dynamics, 65, 1001-1015.

Lindegren, M., D. M. Checkley, M. D. Ohman, J. A. Koslow, and R. Goericke, 2016: Resilience and Stability of a Pelagic Marine Ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 283.

Muñoz-Anderson, M., R. Millán-Núñez, R. Hernández-Walls, A. González-Silvera, E. Santamaría-del-Ángel, E. Rojas-Mayoral, and S. Galindo-Bect, 2015: Fitting vertical chlorophyll profiles in the California Current using two Gaussian curves. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 13, 416-424.

Nam, S., Y. Takeshita, C. A. Frieder, T. Martz, and J. Ballard, 2015: Seasonal advection of Pacific Equatorial Water alters oxygen and pH in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 5387-5399.

Netburn, A. N., and J. A. Koslow, 2015: Dissolved oxygen as a constraint on daytime deep scattering layer depth in the southern California current ecosystem. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 104, 149-158.

Omand, M. M., and A. Mahadevan, 2015: The shape of the oceanic nitracline. Biogeosciences, 12, 3273-3287.

Raghukumar, K., C. A. Edwards, N. L. Goebel, G. Broquet, M. Veneziani, A. M. Moore, and J. P. Zehr, 2015: Impact of assimilating physical oceanographic data on modeled ecosystem dynamics in the California Current System. Progress in Oceanography, 138, Part B, 546-558.

Rose, K. A., and Coauthors, 2015: End-To-End Modeling Of Sardine And Anchovy In The California Current System. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 78-79.

Rudnick, D. L., 2016: Ocean Research Enabled by Underwater Gliders. Annual Review of Marine Science, 8, 519-541.

Santora, J. A., and W. J. Sydeman, 2015: Persistence of hotspots and variability of seabird species richness and abundance in the southern California Current. Ecosphere, 6, 1-19.

Seegers, B. N., and Coauthors, 2015: Subsurface seeding of surface harmful algal blooms observed through the integration of autonomous gliders, moored environmental sample processors, and satellite remote sensing in southern California. Limnology and Oceanography, 60, 754-764.

Seo, H., A. J. Miller, and J. R. Norris, 2015: Effect Of Eddy-Wind Interaction On Ekman Pumping And Eddy Kinetic Energy: A Regional Coupled Modeling Study For The California Current System. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 56, 83.

Siedlecki, S. A., A. Hermann, N. Bond, S. Alin, R. Feely, I. C. Kaplan, and J. Newton, 2015: Predicting Hypoxia And Ocean Acidification Of The Coastal Waters Of The Ccs: What Do We Know And What Can We Expect? California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 84-85.

Stukel, M. R., M. Kahru, C. R. Benitez-Nelson, M. Decima, R. Goericke, M. R. Landry, and M. D. Ohman, 2015: Using Lagrangian-based process studies to test satellite algorithms of vertical carbon flux in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, 7208-7222.

Taylor, A. G., M. R. Landry, K. E. Selph, and J. J. Wokuluk, 2015: Temporal and spatial patterns of microbial community biomass and composition in the Southern California Current Ecosystem. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 112, 117-128.

Venrick, E., 2015: Phytoplankton Species in the California Current System off Southern California: the Spatial Dimensions. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 56, 168-184.

Ye, H., E. Deyle, and G. Sugihara, 2015: Predicting The Future In A Nonlinear World. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 56, 88-91.


Bjorkstedt, E.P., J. Field, et al. (2016) California’s marine fisheries: trade-offs in transition. In: E. Zavaleta & H. Mooney (Eds). Ecosystems of California. UC Press, Oakland, California: 779-815.

Bograd, S. J., A. W. Leising, and E. L. Hazen, 2016: Oceanography. Ecosystems of California, H. Mooney, and E. Zavaleta, Eds., University of California Press, 95-105.

Conference Proceedings/Workshops:

Checkley, D. M., Jr., 2015: Oral presentation: Biological Response to El Niño Winter 2015-2016. Outlook: El Niño, Storms and Ocean Conditions, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Checkley, D. M., Jr., 2015: Oral presentation: El Niño, Past Impacts on California’s Living Marine Resources and the Role of Ocean Observing and CalCOFI. Changing Ocean Conditions: Understanding El Niño’s Impacts on California’s Living Marine Resources Through Ocean Observations, Ocean Protection Council Workshop, Sacremento, CA.

Dorval, E., 2015: Oral presentation: El Niño Impacts on Market Squid Abundance and  Fishery dynamics. Changing Ocean Conditions: Understanding El Niño’s Impacts on California’s Living Marine Resources Through Ocean Observations, Ocean Protection Council Workshop, Sacremento, CA.

Peach, C., 2015: Oral presentation: From Physics to Fish:  The Role of Ocean Observing and CalCOFI in Educating Californians about their Ocean. Changing Ocean Conditions: Understanding El Niño’s Impacts on California’s Living Marine Resources Through Ocean Observations, Ocean Protection Council Workshop, Sacramento, CA.

Rogers-Bennett, L., 2015: Oral presentation: California’s Marine Resources, El Niño and CalCOFI. Changing Ocean Conditions: Understanding El Niño’s Impacts on California’s Living Marine Resources Through Ocean Observations, Ocean Protection Council Workshop, Sacremento, CA.

Ph.D. Dissertations:

Bowlin, N., 2016: Ontogenetic changes in the distribution and abundance of early life history stages of mesopelagic fishes off California, Oceanography, UC San Diego.

Hogle, S., 2016: Indicators of Iron Metabolism in Marine Microbial Genomes and Ecosystems. Ph..D., Oceanography, UC San Diego.

Jones, W. A., 2016: The Santa Barbara Basin Fish Assemblage in the Last Two Millennia Inferred from Otoliths in Sediment Cores. Ph.D., Oceanography, UC San Diego, 140 pp.

Muñoz-Anderson, M., 2016: Ajuste, Modelación y Variabilidad de los perfiles verticales de clorofila en la región CalCoFi de la Corriente de California. Ph.D., Coastal Oceanography Program, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.

Vu, E. T. A., 2015: Habitat use of calling baleen whales in the southern California Current Ecosystem. Ph.D., Oceanography, UC San Diego.

Submitted and In Press:

Espinoza-Leal, L., and B. E. Lavaniegos, In Press: Seasonal variability of pelagic amphipods off the Baja California Peninesula during La Niña 2011. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 57.

Koslow, J. A., and P. Davison, In Press: Productivity and biomass of fishes in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem: comparison of fishery-dependent and independent time series. Environmental Development.

Kuo, T. C., S. Mandal, A. Yamauchi, and C. H. Hsieh, In Press: Life history traits and exploitation affect the spatial mean-variance relationship in fish abundance. Ecology.

MacCall, A. D., W. J. Sydeman, P. C. Davison, and J. A. Thayer, In Press: Recent collapse of northern anchovy off California. Fisheries Research.

Muhling, B., M. Lindegren, L. Worsøe Clausen, A. Hobday, and P. Lehodey, In Press: Impacts of Climate Change on Pelagic Fish and Fisheries. The Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture, B. F. Phillips, and M. Pérez-Ramírez, Eds.

Thompson, A. R., J. R. Hyde, W. Watson, D. Chen, C., and L. W. Guo, In press: Rockfish assemblage structure and spawning locations in southern California identified through larval sampling. Marine Ecology Progress Series.Watson, W., S.R. Charter, et al. (In Press) Early larvae of the swordspine rockfish, Sebastes ensifer Chen 1971 (Pisces: Sebastidae), identified by molecular methods. Fishery Bulletin.